Sound quality is no longer tied to speaker size. The Hyper Sonic Sound system holds the promise of replacing conventional speakers wherever they are used: in the home, in movie theaters, in automobiles—everywhere. By focusing sound in a tight column, HSS allows you to restrict sound to a specific area without imposing on nearby activities. For example: A series of directory kiosks in a mall require individual audio for each display.
Truly this is a quantum leap, a paradigm shift.
Hyper Sonic Sound (HSS) is a pioneering sound-generation technology that broadcasts your message directly to your intended audience. In contrast to conventional loudspeakers, HSS technology uses a directional ultrasonic column to produce sound exactly where you want it. Sound does not spread to the sides or rear of an HSS unit, eliminating the problem of uncomfortable and unwanted noise pollution produced by conventional speakers. Sound is directed only where it is intended to go. Visualize two people standing four feet apart at an art exhibit. One patron listens to a biography of a sculpture artist, while the other contemplates a painting in complete silence! HSS is like handing someone a set of head phones. By focusing sound in a tight column, HSS allows you to restrict sound to a specific area without imposing on nearby speaker focused on the area in front of only directory users to hear the
The HSS Directional Audio System can operate in Direct Mode, a clear line of approach from the HSS unit to the target listener, and in Virtual Mode, projecting sound onto a sign, display or other object creating a Virtual Speaker.
corresponding audio.
Direct mode
Direct Mode assumes that the listener will be in a direct path in front of the HSS device. He or she will hear the audible sound as the sound column passes by their head. The sound will continue to travel past them until it either strikes a surface or is absorbed by the air (over a long distance). A number of things can happen when a sound wave strikes a surface depending on the surface itself. If the surface is flat and hard (e.g. a mirror or plaster board), the sound will reflect from the surface. Some energy will be lost, but some of the sound will be reflected back into the environment. The angle at which the sound strikes the surface will equal the angle at which it will reflect (assuming a perfect reflector). Of course, there is no perfect reflector so some amount of the sound will scatter back into the entire area, while the loudest portion will follow the refection path. If the surface is absorptive at the proper frequencies, the surface will contain the sound within the surface and little sound will be directed back into the environment. The last alternative is to make the surface
diffusive. If you diffuse the reflection you essentially reflect it back into the room in all directions. Therefore, no single reflection is louder than all the rest.
One of the great benefits of HSS is the fact that we can now predict where the sound will strike a surface (first reflection) and treat that surface accordingly. Since traditional loudspeakers emit sound in all directions, the sound always sounds like it is coming the speaker device because no matter where you are in the room, the first sound you hear is actually coming directly at you from the speaker. Now, with HSS, we only have the one column of sound to deal with.
1) REFLECT IT: Angle the HSS device correctly so that the first reflection is directed where you want it to go. For example, if you don’t want to hear the first reflection, direct it up into the ceiling, or direct it into a absorptive surface someplace else in the room, etc. Also remember that sound does dissipate over distance. Therefore, the farther you can make the reflection travel, the lower it will be in volume when you hear it again. A good example would be an overhead HSS unit directed down towards the floor with the first reflection going back up into the ceiling. If the ceiling were 50 ft. away, the reflected sound would have to travel 50 ft. up and 50 ft. back down before you would hear it again. It may be completely inaudible by that time depending on how loud it was when it started, the composition of the ceiling, and ambient sound level.
2) ABSORB IT: Make the surface struck by the first sound reflection highly absorptive. The better the absorber, the lower the reflected energy. Carpet, for example, is a very poor absorber. It will absorb some of the highest sound frequencies, but will reflect the remainder. Some office wall panels are somewhat better, but still they will reflect the majority of the energy.
A local acoustical technician can provide you with the most appropriate absorption material for the individual installation.
3) DIFFUSE IT: Make the surface multi-layered and multi- dimensional. The more irregular the surface, the better the diffusion.
Visualizing HSS as a Virtual Speaker
HSS can transform signs, placards, and surfaces into Virtual Speakers. Virtual Mode applications allow units to be placed without cabinet or hardware at the desired sound location. By projecting sound with an HSS unit, a simple display sign can act as a speaker without wiring or changing the sign’s appearance. You can project HSS sound to specific end caps or aisle displays or send sound across the room, without uncomfortable and unwanted volume from loudspeakers. HSS can turn a wall into an information sound center by adding sound to coupon panels and directional signage to increase interest.
Introducing a new product and telling customers how to use it at the store display with the audio message heard only by those standing in front of the display.
- Museums, amusement parks, theme parks, or zoos with display-point audio that provides directions or a narrative about displays or exhibits without the need for conventional headphones.
- Providing a section for the hearing impaired at public assemblies, in churches, and in schools where sound can be enhanced without disruption to other attendees.
- Computer operators in an office of cubicles with HSS units placed overhead directing sound at each individual with no disturbance to coworkers.
- Display booths at trade show that direct sound only to those in or in front of the booth, keeping noise levels to a minimum.
- Projecting the audio from an audio/video conference, in four different
languages from a single central device, reaching the intended parties
without headphones.
- Safety warnings that penetrate general noise in heavy equipment staging areas, rental sites, or repair yards so that it can be heard by those in risk areas.
-Signaling, alerting, and informing specific c individuals in a grocery aisle, waiting room, or lobby.
- Use of the HSS unit to add audio to an ATM with only the customers actually at the ATM able to hear the message.
All this is now possible with the new hypersonic sound systems.
Superior Sound Control
The unique technical characteristics of HSS offer superior control of sound. HSS creates new opportunities for designers to implement and use sound as never before. Architects now have the ability to integrate sound into designs with exciting control of placement. With the HSS Virtual Mode capability, sound can be added without having to place a loudspeaker where the sound is needed. Audio engineers will find that HSS is applicable in any situation where it is desirable to limit the ability to hear sound to a defined space. Since HSS delivers sound precisely, less volume is necessary to project sound where it is needed; HSS does not inflict excessive sound pressure at one point to carry the sound to the desired place. HSS can create virtual loudspeakers, so that sound appears to be coming from points where it would be impractical or impossible to place a loudspeaker. Hypersonic Sound is a paradigm shift in sound production based on solid principles of physics.
As a conclusive remark, this paper discussed about the coming of the Hypersonic Speaker Systems which are yet not implemented, but is a real promising innovation which may be applied in our everyday life and will revolutionize the sound technology. This paper discussed about the invention, the inventor, the motive behind the invention, etc. Also discussed about how hypersonic sound is created and how the hypersonic system works, which method is used, etc. What the advantages of hypersonic speakers are, over conventional systems. We also discussed about their wide forms of applications.
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