Student Management System deals with all kind of student details, academic related reports, college details, course details, curriculum, batch details and other resource related details too. It tracks all the details of a student from the day one to the end of his course which can be used for all reporting purpose, tracking of attendance, progress in the course, completed semesters years, coming semester year curriculum details, exam details, project or any other assignment details, final exam result; and all these will be available for future references too.
Our program will have the databases of Courses offered by the college under all levels of graduation or main streams, teacher or faculty's details, batch execution details, students' details in all aspects.
This program can facilitate us explore all the activities happening in the college, even we can get to know which teacher / faculty is assigned to which batch, the current status of a batch, attendance percentage of a batch and upcoming requirements of a batch.
Different reports and Queries can be generated based of vast options related to students, batch, course, teacher / faculty, exams, semesters, certification and even for the entire college.

About the project
The student management system is an automated version of manual Student Management System. It can handle all details about a student. The details include college details, subject details, student personnel details, academic details, exam details etc...
In case of manual system they need a lot of time, manpower etc.Here almost all work is computerized. So the accuracy is maintained. Maintaining backup is very easy. It can do with in a few minutes. Our system has two type of accessing modes, administrator and user. Student management system is managed by an administrator. It is the job of the administrator to insert update and monitor the whole process. When a user log in to the system. He would only view details of the student. He can't perform any changes .The system has four modules. They are
      College and Department details
      Login and subject
      Student Details
      Exam Details
The system has been developed with much care that it is free of errors and at the same time it is efficient and less time consuming. The important thing is that the system is robust. Avoid malfunction from outsiders .It goes through all phases of software development cycle. So product is accurate. Also provision is provided for future developments in the system.
The current application developed is in accordance with the request that has been provided by the organization. On regarding the future enhancement, the application can further expanded in accordance with changing scenario. Since the change in testing and user needs arises frequently in certain short intervals of time, the application can be further upgraded to meet the requirements that may arise in the far or near future. With regarding to the needs that arises, more and more features can be included by adding it as separate modules and integrate it with the existing system.
The .NET today is based on OOPs concept, whose main advantage is modularity, which helps us in adding the future needs as add-on modules to work with the main system which can be done effortlessly instead of rewriting or modifying the entire application. So the scope of future enhancement is absolutely clear with the concept that is incorporated in the today that was made used to build the application.

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