Seminar Report On Google

This article intends as main purpose describe a bit more about Google’s products and applications,
secrets and its power search engine. But it is impossible don’t mention the Google’s history and how
it was founded. The Google Inc. is an American company that was co-founded by Larry Page and
Sergey Bin while Ph.D. students from Stanford University. The company was firstly incorporated as a
privately held company on September, 1998. Google's initial public offering took place on August,
2004, raising US$1.67 billion, making it worth US$23 billion. It is really impressive to any
businessman or starter students with brilliant ideas. The name Google has originated from a
misspelling of “Googol” that means to 10100, the number represented by a 1 followed by one-hundred
zeros. In a brief the Google Inc. is specialized in internet search and online advertisement that
beyond these two topics intends much more that search and advertisement.
Google applications are well-known web services which its web search is the main factor of Google
success. Following Nielsen (2007) the Google web search is basically the most search engine used
by internet users with 53.6% of market share, ahead of Yahoo with 19.9% and Live Search with
12.9% (1). Might one reason of success comes from of manner how the search engines works which
indexes billion or more of web pages daily or better, all internet contents, amazing. Google has also
employed the web search technology into other search services, including Image Search, Google
News. The price comparison site Google Product Search, the interactive usenet archive Google
Groups, Google Maps, Picasa, Gmail and its features like spam-filtering technology and capability
also to search emails. Another interesting multimedia application is the YouTube that was bought by
Google for US$1.65 billion in stock in 2006. Google has also bought some others small internet
companies considered strategic in its business like Double-click, Postini, Pyra Labs, Orkut and Jot

Google Earth is very famous interactive application mapping program powered by satellite and
aerial imagery that covers the vast majority of the planet. Google Earth is generally considered to be
remarkably accurate and extremely detailed. Many major cities in the planet have such detailed
images that one can zoom in close enough to see vehicles and pedestrians clearly. Consequently,
there have been some concerns about national security implications in despite of the images has
been not updated constantly. Google has many others products through the Google Labs not
released yet due it are still being tested for use by general public.
One good differential on Google Search is regarding to logic engine based on Boolean Logic
created by mathematician Britain George Boole. Therefore the Google engine allows finding words,
texts and so on using logic values conditioned to:

• The value must be true or false
• The value must not be true and false at same time
• If true, it is defined as 1 and if false it is defined as 0(zero)
The Boolean logic is based on:

AND – The Google engine will search terms and text based on conditions true only regarding to
terms insert in search field. For instance, take the text “Debian AND Linux” to search does the
Google engine search evidences only related to “Debian” AND “Linux” at same document, page, file
and so on. As we know there are a lot of Linux distributions beyond to Debian but only evidences for
Debian will be showed. My comment in this specific example is the term Linux has a lot of evidences
related to and may will show evidences related to others distributions as well that require you change
the filter for that using only Debian as example.

OR – In that case the engine will search evidences considering only one term and or all terms
wanted. For instance, take the text Debian and Linux used in previous example. At this time will type
“debian or Linux”. Now the engine will show results related to Debian and Linux that could be not in
the same document, page, file or any kind of midia wanted.

NOT – This operator can be useful like a filter. In Google engine it is used as a signal ( - ) on terms
and text that you don’t want to show. Still considering the example used above, “Debian Linux”, we
can use the operator NOT if we want to search evidences in Linux but not related to Debian. In that
case we will type “Linux – Debian”

INVERTED COMMAS (“ “) – In despite of Google engine does search terms that have two or more
words, inverted commas can be useful to filter some terms that are really need in a complete
expression. For instance, when finding you name in Google using inverted commas, Google will only
show evidences with the complete name and not pieces of them.
In spite of Boolean logic is very useful, it does not correspond to 2% of Google engine features. The
advanced search on Google does really good to find something with 99,99% of success. Looking on
images, it is possible to search images on Google using to “Image Advanced Search” as filter to get
what is really needed. So is possible to get advanced search images with content types, size, file
type, domains and safe search. Below in figure 1, is possible to see these features.


Looking at some ranks on web, we can find Google has 31% of the online advertising market
revenue, and 56% of the market share for online searches. It is still expecting Google business
growing up more and more. Following Jeremy Article (2007), Google spends 20%-25% of its
resources pursuing new ventures.
Google has recently bought the acquisition of DoubleClick after a fierce fight with Microsoft. The
DoubleClick is the number 1 online ad agency. Also Google has come out with its own productivity
software suite including word processors, spreadsheets, database software, presentation software,
instant messenging and video conference software to compete with Microsoft in the corporate arena.
Microsoft charges about $500 a year for its suite per user, whereas Google will only charge $50.
Now that Google has entered in software market playing in many strategic areas like Mobile Phone
(Google Mobile), the main mobile companies are now negotiating how Google and its market share
can be part of their solutions. Recently the HTC and T-Mobile made a deal with Google to sell
mobiles with Google OS that make possible features from iPhone and BlackBerry in one unique cell
Google has also constantly expanding its platform through massive server farms and fiber-optic
capacity. Google is also currently working on Artificial Intelligence systems, an example of that is its
spell checking system, its language translator, and eventually a search engine that almost knows
what you're looking for as soon as you start looking for it.
Looking to Google financials, it seems that one of the largest technology companies and Internet
world is also going to be affected by the financial crisis seen in 2008 and without forecast to end.
Google is one of them, because although the largest source of financing that has its advertising
services (Adsense / Adwords), another of its contributory sources that had so far was the investment
of many people through their actions listed on the U.S. technology index Nasdaq named.
With the problems many of their stock shares have been sold, so that the company has had to deal
with many of these payments because nobody wanted done with them. This situation has occurred
since the beginning of IPO in Google, people could buy stock, but never lose control if the company
has repurchased and those that were sold or held for the remaining shares as, or distributed as part
of the payment to their employees.
As of this poor financial situation and business Google was raised new trade agreements in order to
save their economic situation: the treaty raised to film companies for the distribution of films by
Youtube or who tried to do with Yahoo for sharing both of advertising platforms such as rights of
many of its advertisers
A union that would have generated a very positive synergy for Google, doing that could increase their
incomes by up to 32%; this operation was truncated, and they are starting to run on rumors that
10,000 of the 25,000 workers that Google has a direct or indirect worldwide are off ‘to’ and offset a
change in company stock.
This measure has a double meaning, first cutting large amount of fixed costs (salaries of such
employees) and second, a financial boost by the arrival of large number of shareholders that they
would be 10,000 employees. This second action if it could be important for the company that has
seen only this year and as you can see in the upper area has fallen from a rate of 600 to less and $
300 per share.
In the words of the co-founder of Google, Mr. Sergey Bin: “It is undeniable that the number of
workers is too high for the current financial situation”
Judging from last quarter's call and recent "what me worry" comments about the economy relative to
Google, I expect Google CEO Eric Schmidt to maintain his "It's Always Sunny in Silicon Valley"
But he could surprise us all by adding a cautionary note about a hiring freeze or some such
conservative measure. It's probably too soon, but I expect more conservative actions from Google in
early 2009 as many companies has been doing as well

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