The main objective of this project is to overcome the work load and time consumption which makes the maintenance of the stock in an organization as a tedious process. This project provides complete information about the details of the stock to the users. This project identifies the amount of stock available,the product that is purchased faults in the product,products that are replaced,products that have been sold,and the date  at which the products are bought and sold in a particular concern.Separate  modules have been created for purchasing, viewing stock details,selling, details and delivery details.As a whole ,marketing  process can be improved if stock has been maintained properly.
This project  is developed with help of visual basic 6.0 as a front end and oracle 9i as back end. The application software Rational Rose is also used.

Stock Maintenance gives an idea about how products are maintained in the particular concern. The products that are to be purchased, the products that are to be sold are maintained here.
This project also gives idea about the faults in the purchased product and the products that are to be replaced also been given. Further  some additional details of the current stock that is available in the store is also given.
Stock maintenance in this project is done in an authorized way. The password and user id has been set here. As a whole the marketing process can be improved if the stock   is maintained properly.

            The stock has to be maintained properly since the whole marketing process can be improved. Stock maintenance in this project gives the idea about how products are maintained in a particular concern.
The stock details which includes the amount of stock available, the stock is to be purchased, the date or the time it is being bought or delivered, the amount  that is already available are maintained in this project.
The stock maintenance in this project is understood by goin through the modules that is being involved. The whole economic status is being improved properly if stock is maintained.

 Visual Basic 6.0 is fastest and easiest way to create single user and client/server applications for Microsoft Windows. Visual  Basic 6.0 provides complete set of tools to simplify rapid application development both  for the experienced professional and new windows programmers.The “Visual” part refers to the method used to create Graphical User Interface.The “Basic” part  refers to the BASIC language used by more programmers than any other language in the history of computing. It is an ideal programming language for developing sophisticated professional applications for Microsoft.

2.2 ORACLE 9i:
Oracle 9i makes most necessary conversion to the code automatically when we convert our data base. However  the conversion process  makes some changes to code that need to aware of, and there are some additional changes that must made in order to run the application successfully in  oracle.

Storing of information about the  stock values and updating the stock values for each organization which is using this system, keeps track of all the information about the stock exchange that are made by the customers, having registration feature of adding up new customers to the organization are provided in this system.

The front end used for implementation of this project is Visual Basic 6.0 and the back end that is used for this project is Oracle9i.The database  connectivity  between Visual Basic 6..0 and oracle9i is provided  by using  Microsoft   ADO Data control 6.0(OLEDB). Thus the project makes use of the internal feature of ADODC for communicating with the database and this is responsible for transfer of data to and from the table from and to the front end.

A term used to a database or database server used as a source of data. ODBC data source are referred to by their  Data Source Name (DSN). Data sources can be created by using the windows control panel or the register database method. A standard protocol that permits application  to connect to a variety of external database servers or files. ODBC drivers used by the Microsoft database engine  permit access to Microsoft SQL server and several other databases.

To add ADO data control to the toolbox go to the components and select Microsoft ado Data control 6.0(OLEDB). There are three different options insetting connection string. They are as follows

1. Use data link file                             : any data link file already stored can be specified.
2. Use ODBC Data source name        : any ODBC DSN can be specified.
3. Use connection string                     : choose build to create a new connection String
  specifying the OLEDB provider.


4.1 Hardware Requirements:

Processor                     :           Intel Pentium III or later.
CPU Speed                 :           1.0 GHZ
Strorage Capacity       :           20   GB
RAM Capacity            :           512 MB

4.2 Software Requirements:
Front End                          :     VISUAL BASIC 6.0
Back End                           :     Oracle 9i
Operating System              :     Windows Family
Application Software        :     Rational Rose

Thus the project gives the detailed explanation about how stock is maintained in an also gives idea about how stocks are to be purchased and how to be maintained in a company.

There is always a room for the improvement in any software package, however good and efficient it may be. The important thing is that the software should be flexible enough for further modifications.
In future we will enhance this project by making our system to store the details of the customer such as the house address to make the door delivery  which is an easy and quick way.


v  “Programming in Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0” by Francesco Balena.

v  “Oracle The complete Reference” by George Koch and Kevin Loney.

v  “Visual Studio .NET :The .NET Framework Black Book”
by Temple man and Vitter


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