In the world of banking and finance nothing stands still. The biggest change of all is in the, scope of the business of banking. Banking in its traditional from is concerned with the acceptance of deposits from the customers, the lending of surplus of deposited money to suitable customers who wish to borrow and transmission of funds. Apart from traditional business, banks now a day provide a wide range of services to satisfy the financial and non financial needs of all types of customers from the smallest account holder to the largest company and in some cases of non customers. The range of services offered differs from bank to bank depending mainly on the type and size of the bank. 

Reserve Bank’s Early Initiative 
As a central bank in a developing country, the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has adopted development of the banking and financial market as one of its prime objectives. "Institutional development" was the hallmark of this approach from 1950s to 1970s. In the 1980s, the Reserve Bank focused on "improvements in the productivity" of the banking sector. Being convinced that technology is the key for improving in productivity, the Reserve Bank took several initiatives to popularize usage of technology by banks in India. 
Periodically, almost once in five years since the early 1980s, the Reserve Bank appointed committees and working Groups to deliberate on and recommend the appropriate use of technology by banks give the circumstances and the need. These committees are as follows:
-Rangarajan committee -1 in early 1980s.
-Rangarajan committee -11 in late 1980s.
-Saraf working group in early 1990s.
-Vasudevan working group in late 1990s.
-Barman working group in early 2000s.
Based on the recommendations of these committees and working groups, the Reserve Bank issued suitable guidelines for the banks. In the 1980s, usage of technology for the back office operations of the banks pre-dominated the scene. It was in the form of accounting of transactions and collection of MIS. In the inter-bank payment systems, it was in the form of clearing and settlement using the MICR technology. 
Two momentous decisions of the Reserve Bank in the 1990s changed the scenario for
ever there are:
a) The prescription of compulsory usage of technology in full measure by the new
private sector banks as a precondition of the license and
b) The establishment of an exclusive research institute for banking technology

read more "BANKING"


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Good Seminars
Outline of a typical presentationThe first slide has the title, the date of the paper and/or the talk, and your affiliation. If you have a co-author, this is the time to make that clear.
Try to provide a perspective (a puzzle, an empirical regularity, an historical example, a casual observation, a curious gap in the literature, etc.) that you can use as a "hook" to get your audience's attention.

Give an outline of the presentation.It's not necessary to read from the slide each of the steps of your talk (e.g., literature review, model, data, results, conclusion)--most of those present in the audience can read very well without your help. However, if you want to emphasize a particular part of your talk (e.g.. "I really want to get to the results so I'll skip quickly over the model during my talk. For those interested, the details are contained in my paper anyhow"), point this out right away.

Don't spend too much time on the literature review.The point of the review is to put your paper in perspective. Avoid getting into a long argument about whether you've cited the right group of papers or whether you have misrepresented a literature. You want to talk about your own work, not someone else's.

Present your main contributions right away. It's extremely important that you emphasize your contribution and distinguish what you've done that adds to the literature. You may want to repeat your list of contributions at the end of the talk, but don't try to keep the audience in suspense! Let them know your contribution immediately. This helps the audience focus on how to assess your paper and means that even those in the audience who leave early will have a good idea of what you want them to take away from your talk.

If you have a model in your paper that is involved and difficult to follow, try to present a stripped down version in the presentation that you can use to develop the intuition for the main findings. Then you can say that in the paper you show that the intuition extends to a richer setting.

If you put up a slide with an equation, make sure that you read through it so that the audience can follow the notation that you are using. If it's not standard (e.g., "F is a production function with inputs of capital and labour") try to give an economic interpretation of the equation.

If you put up a graph, make sure that it's clear what's on the two axes and that you describe what the graph demonstrates.

If you put up a table, make sure that you take one entry and explain clearly what it means in detail and then briefly indicate how to read the remaining entries.

You should have some planned 'slack' in your talk. That is material that you don't plan to cover but that you can include if for some reason you receive fewer or briefer questions than usual. Also, there may be parts of the talk where you anticipate that some audiences will want additional clarification and/or detail. Have it ready, but don't plan to use it unless it comes up in the talk.

Always keep your eye on the time remaining. If you start to fall behind in your planned pace you should try to adjust your talk by eliminating the least important remaining parts of your talk. Always aim to finish a few minutes early.

End with your conclusion slide. If you have started or plan to begin related research, mention it. Then prepare to kick back and think beyond your paper if that's what the audience wants.

10 tips to take a seminar
A speech needs time to grow. Prepare for weeks, sleep on it, dream about it and let your ideas sink into your subconscious. Ask yourself questions, write down your thoughts, and keep adding new ideas. As you prepare every speech ask yourself the following questions.

In one concise sentence, what is the purpose of this speech?
1) Who is the audience? What is their main interest in this topic?
2) What do I really know and believe about this topic as it relates to this audience?
3) What additional research can I do?
4) What are the main points of this presentation?
5) What supporting information and stories can I use to support each of my main points?
6) What visual aids, if any, do I need?
7) Do I have an effective opening grabber?
In my final summary, how will I plan to tell them "What's In It For Me?"
9) Have I polished and prepared the language and words I will use?
10) Have I taken care of the little details that will help me speak more confidently?

At the seminar
1) Take into consideration that you were most likely asked to speak because you have knowledge about the topic.
2) The most important thing --- don't panic. If you can, find a copy of the presentation handouts and scan them, writing down the main topics for each portion of the presentation.
3) This allows you to quickly look at the content of the presentation.
4) If the original speaker planned to use slides, quickly skim each slide and write down the key points.
5) Do not concern yourself with the exact words on the slide.
6) If the slides are properly prepared, each will have only a few key phrases --your talking points for each section of the presentation.
7) In the event you don't have a co-worker's handouts or slides, quickly develop an outline or mind map and do the following:--

a) List your main points and write down a few key words about each
b) Speak spontaneously and confidently from your heart.
c) Trust your experience and knowledge.
d) Focus on your message and not on the fact that you had to rush to put together a presentation
e) Present your main contributions right away.
f) It's extremely important that you emphasize your contribution and distinguish what you've done that adds to the literature.
g) You may want to repeat your list of contributions at the end of the talk, but don't try to keep the audience in suspense! Let them know your contribution immediately.
h) This helps the audience focus on how to assess your paper and means that even those in the audience who leave early will have a good idea of what you want them to take away from your talk.


in here you can learn with easy


    Wankel engine  



    And more coming soon.....................................................
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    The radial engine is a reciprocating type internal combustion engine configuration in which the cylinders point outward from a central crankshaftlike the spokes on a wheel. This configuration was very commonly used in large aircraft engines before most large aircraft started using turbineengines.
    In a radial engine, the pistons are connected to the crankshaft with a master-and-articulating-rod assembly. One piston, the uppermost one in the animation, has a master rod with a direct attachment to the crankshaft. The remaining pistons pin their connecting rods' attachments to rings around the edge of the master rod. Four-stroke radials always have an odd number of cylinders per row, so that a consistent every-other-pistonfiring order can be maintained, providing smooth operation. This is achieved by the engine taking two revolutions of the crankshaft to complete the four strokes, (intake, compression, power, exhaust), which means the firing order is 1,3,5,2,4 and back to cylinder 1 again. This means that there is always a two-piston gap between the piston on its power stroke and the next piston to fire (i.e., the piston on compression). If an even number of cylinders was used, the firing order would be something similar to 1,3,5,2,4,6, which leaves a three-piston gap between firing pistons on the first crank shaft revolution, and only a one-piston gap on the second crank shaft revolution. This leads to an uneven firing order within the engine, and is not ideal. [1]
    Most radial engines use overhead poppet valves driven by pushrods and lifters on a cam plate which is concentric with the crankshaft, with a few smaller radials, like the five-cylinder Kinner B-5, using individual camshafts within the crankcase for each cylinder. A few engines utilize sleeve valves instead, like the very reliable 14 cylinder Bristol Hercules (built up to 1970' under license in France by SNECMA) and the powerful 18 cylinder Bristol Centaurus

    read more "RADIAL ENGINE"

    Wankel engine

    Wankel engine
    The Wankel engine is a type of internal combustion engine which uses a rotary design to convert pressure into a rotating motion instead of using reciprocating pistons. Its four-stroke cycle takes place in a space between the inside of an oval-like epitrochoid-shaped housing and a rotor that is similar in shape to a Reuleaux triangle but with sides that are somewhat flatter. This design delivers smooth high-rpm power from a compact size. Since its introduction the engine has been commonly referred to as the rotary engine, though this name is also applied to several completely different designs.
    The engine was invented by German engineer Felix Wankel. He began its development in the early 1950s at NSU Motorenwerke AG (NSU) before completing a working, running prototype in 1957. NSU then licensed the concept to companies around the world, which have continued to improve the design.
    Because of their compact design, Wankel rotary engines have been installed in a variety of vehicles and devices such as automobiles (including racing cars), along with aircraft, go-karts, personal water craft, chain saws, and auxiliary power units. The most extensive automotive use of the Wankel engine has been by the Japanese company Mazda.

    In the Wankel engine, the four strokes of a typical Otto cycle occur in the space between a three-sided symmetric rotor and the inside of a housing, although the Wankel cycle differs from Otto cycle in the duration of the expansion part of cycle, that is much longer.[14] In the basic single-rotor Wankel engine, the oval-like epitrochoid-shaped housing surrounds a rotor which is triangular with bow-shaped flanks (often confused with a Reuleaux triangle,[15] a three-pointedcurve of constant width, but with the bulge in the middle of each side a bit more flattened). The theoretical shape of the rotor between the fixed corners is the result of a minimization of the volume of the geometric combustion chamber and a maximization of the compression ratio, respectively.[14] The symmetriccurve connecting two arbitrary apexes of the rotor is maximized in the direction of the inner housing shape with the constraint not to touch the housing at any angle of rotation (an arc is not a solution of this optimization problem).
    The central drive shaft, called the eccentric shaft or E-shaft, passes through the center of the rotor and is supported by fixed bearings.[16] The rotors ride oneccentrics (analogous to cranks) integral with the eccentric shaft (analogous to a crankshaft). The rotors both rotate around the eccentrics and make orbital revolutions around the eccentric shaft. Seals at the corners of the rotor seal against the periphery of the housing, dividing it into three moving combustion chambers.[14] The rotation of each rotor on its own axis is caused and controlled by a pair of synchronizing gears[16] A fixed gear mounted on one side of the rotor housing engages a ring gear attached to the rotor and ensures the rotor moves exactly 1/3 turn for each turn of the eccentric shaft. The power output of the engine is not transmitted through the synchronizing gears.[16] The force of gas pressure on the rotor (to a first approximation) goes directly to the center of the eccentric, part of the output shaft.
    The best way to visualize the action of the engine in the animation at left is to look not at the rotor itself, but the cavity created between it and the housing. The Wankel engine is actually a variable-volume progressing-cavity system. Thus there are 3 cavities per housing, all repeating the same cycle. Note as well that points A and B on the rotor and e-shaft turn at different speed, point B moves 3 times faster than point A, so that one full orbit of the rotor equates to 3 turns of the e-shaft.
    As the rotor rotates and orbitally revolves, each side of the rotor gets closer and farther from the wall of the housing, compressing and expanding the combustion chamber similarly to the strokes of a piston in a reciprocating engine. The power vector of the combustion stage goes through the center of the offset lobe.
    While a four-stroke piston engine makes one combustion stroke per cylinder for every two rotations of the crankshaft (that is, one-half power stroke per crankshaft rotation per cylinder), each combustion chamber in the Wankel generates one combustion stroke per each driveshaft rotation, i.e. one power stroke per rotor orbital revolution and three power strokes per rotor rotation. Thus, power output of a Wankel engine is generally higher than that of a four-stroke piston engine of similar engine displacement in a similar state of tune; and higher than that of a four-stroke piston engine of similar physical dimensions and weight.
    Wankel engines also generally have a much higher redline than a reciprocating engine of similar power output, in part because the smoothness inherent in circular motion, but especially because they do not have highly stressed parts such as a crankshaft or connecting rods. Eccentric shafts do not have the stress-raising internal corners of crankshafts. The redline of a rotary engine is limited by wear of the synchronizing gears. Hardened steel gears are used for extended operation above 7000 or 8000 rpm. Mazda Wankel engines in auto racing are operated above 10,000 rpm. In aircraft they are used conservatively, up to 6500 or 7500 rpm. However, as gas pressure participates in seal efficiency, running a Wankel engine at high rpm under no load conditions can destroy the engine.
    National agencies that tax automobiles according to displacement and regulatory bodies in automobile racing variously consider the Wankel engine to be equivalent to a four-stroke engine of 1.5 to 2 times the displacement; some racing series ban it altogether.[17]
    parts of a Wankel engine

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    A Detailed Report On TWO STROKE ENGINE

    A two-stroke engine is an internal combustion engine that completes the process cycle in one revolution of the crank shaft (an up stroke and a down stroke of the piston, compared to twice that number for a four-stroke engine). This is accomplished by using the beginning of the compression stroke and the end of the combustion stroke to perform simultaneously the intake and exhaust (or scavenging) functions. In this way two-stroke engines often provide strikingly high specific power, at least in a narrow range of rotations speeds. The functions of some or all of the valves of a four stroke engine are usually served by ports that are opened and closed by the motion of the pistons, greatly reducing the number of moving parts. Gasoline (spark ignition) versions are particularly useful in lightweight (portable) applications such as chainsaws and the concept is also used in diesel compression ignition engines in large and non-weight sensitive applications such as ships and locomotives.
    Invention of the two-stroke cycle is attributed to Scottish engineer Dugald Clerk who in 1881 patented his design, his engine having a separate charging cylinder. The crankcase-scavenged engine, employing the area below the piston as a charging pump, is generally credited to Englishman Joseph Day (and Frederick Cock for the piston-controlled inlet port).

    parts of two stroke engine

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    two-stroke engine is an internal combustion engine that completes the process cycle in one revolution of the crank shaft (an up stroke and a down stroke of the piston, compared to twice that number for a four-stroke engine). This is accomplished by using the beginning of the compression stroke and the end of the combustion stroke to perform simultaneously the intake and exhaust (or scavenging) functions. In this way two-stroke engines often provide strikingly high specific power, at least in a narrow range of rotations speeds. The functions of some or all of the valves of a four stroke engine are usually served by ports that are opened and closed by the motion of the pistons, greatly reducing the number of moving parts. Gasoline (spark ignition) versions are particularly useful in lightweight (portable) applications such as chainsaws and the concept is also used in diesel compression ignition engines in large and non-weight sensitive applications such as ships and locomotives.
    Invention of the two-stroke cycle is attributed to Scottish engineer Dugald Clerk who in 1881 patented his design, his engine having a separate charging cylinder. The crankcase-scavenged engine, employing the area below the piston as a charging pump, is generally credited to Englishman Joseph Day (and Frederick Cock for the piston-controlled inlet port).

    parts of wankel engine

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    Today, internal combustion engines in cars, trucks, motorcycles, aircraft, construction machinery and many others, most commonly use a four-stroke cycle. The four strokes refer to intake, compression, combustion (power), and exhaust strokes that occur during two crankshaft rotations per working cycle of the gasoline engine and diesel engine.
    The cycle begins at Top Dead Center (TDC), when the piston is farthest away from the axis of the crankshaft. A stroke refers to the full travel of the piston from Top Dead Center (TDC) to Bottom Dead Center (BDC). (See Dead centre.)
    1. INTAKE stroke: On the intake or induction stroke of the piston , the piston descends from the top of the cylinder to the bottom of the cylinder, reducing the pressure inside the cylinder. A mixture of fuel and air is forced by atmospheric (or greater) pressure into the cylinder through the intake port. The intakevalve(s) then close.
    2. COMPRESSION stroke: With both intake and exhaust valves closed, the piston returns to the top of the cylinder compressing the fuel-air mixture. This is known as the compression stroke.
    3. POWER stroke.: While the piston is close to Top Dead Center, the compressed air–fuel mixture is ignited, usually by a spark plug (for a gasoline or Otto cycle engine) or by the heat and pressure of compression (for a diesel cycle or compression ignition engine). The resulting massive pressure from thecombustion of the compressed fuel-air mixture drives the piston back down toward bottom dead center with tremendous force. This is known as the powerstroke, which is the main source of the engine's torque and power.
    4. EXHAUST stroke.: During the exhaust stroke, the piston once again returns to top dead center while the exhaust valve is open. This action evacuates the products of combustion from the cylinder by pushing the spent fuel-air mixture through the exhaust valve(s).

    read more "FOUR STROKE ENGINE"


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    A trade union is an organization of workers that have banded together to achieve common goals such as better working conditions. The trade union, through its leadership, bargains with the employer on behalf of union members and negotiates labour contracts (collective bargaining) with employers.
    It is certainly to the advantage of an employer to deal with a union, rather than with unorganized bodies of working men.

    1. Represent Workers
    The benefit to the employer who wishes to learn the real cause of his difficulties with his men is that he can deal through the union with their own chosen representatives, who, as a rule, are best qualified to speak in their behalf.

    2. Productivity deals
    Trades Unions can help to negotiate productivity deals. This means they help the firm to increase output; this enables the firm to be able to afford higher wages. Trades unions can be important for implementing new working practices which improve productivity. 

    3. Moral benefits of workers
    Unions in technical trades demand tests of efficiency from their members. Some demand maintenance of a certain standard of technical efficiency, and many scrutinize moral character. The officers who find a member repeatedly out of work and constantly coming to them for another job are sure to advise him to do better work and warn him against results of dissipation.

    4. No intervention of outsiders
    Employers often indignantly declare that they are willing to meet their own men, but do not admit the right of outsiders to interfere in their business. If the employer is willing to meet his men fairly, he cannot find anyone so well qualified to help him settle the difficulty justly to both sides as accredited leader of an organization.

    5. Train your staff – the union way
    Finding money for staff development can be a challenge for small to medium-sized enterprises. That’s why many unions and employers are developing new learning focused partnerships aimed at helping staff access new training and educational opportunities. Hundreds of new union-led projects to improve workplace skills have been supported by the Government’s Union Learning Fund £15m annual budget. More than 450 Union Learning Fund projects have been run, covering over 3,000 workplaces. More than 67,000 learners access courses each year through union-led projects. In 2004/2005 the TUC and its unions helped individuals gain more than 3,500 Skills for Life qualifications and 4,500 NVQ achievements at levels 1-3. In the UK nearly 40 per cent of union members have had job-related training in the last three months, compared to just over a quarter of non-members. Having a nion at your workplace will give your employees a better chance to improve the skills needed to grow your business.

    6. It’s a hazard without a union
    Years of trade union experience have built an
    extensive understanding of workplace hazards.
    Reducing accidents and ill health at work saves
    money for your business and keeps a workforce
    healthy and motivated. That’s why it pays to have
    a union health and safety rep on site

    7. Unions can help you green the workplace
    Being green is not just about being a responsible member of your community. Better use of resources, cutting back energy usage or recycling material wherever possible are all ways of making a business more cost-efficient.

    8. Employee Commitment to the Workplace
    Organizations with labor unions experience less employee turnover. Union employees receive decent wages and benefits, with clear expectations and a grievance procedure for any potential problems. The union leaves employees with little reason to go looking for a new job, as the benefits and expectations will be qualitatively similar at one position to the next.

    9. Easier Benefits Administration
    Labor unions often will help organizations select vendors for benefits, and some larger state and national unions even offer benefit plans that can be purchased by organizations or individual employees. Because benefits are spelled out in union contracts for several years at a time, benefit administrators do not need to spend considerable time and effort each year researching alternate vendors or plans.

    10. Simplified Compensation Process
    Unions bring fairness and consistency to employee compensation. Employers need not live in fear of one employee learning another employee's salary. Salary schedules typically are spelled out clearly in union contracts. At union shops, employers do not need to contend with the individual salary demands of dozens, hundreds, or even thousands of employees. The union will negotiate salaries for the entire group of member-employees.

    11. Aiding the Budgeting Process
    Because employer contracts with labor unions often last several years (between three and five years is common), employers know what they will be spending on salaries and benefits well into the future. This helps organizations produce detailed and accurate budget forecasts. Few non-union organizations know what their labor costs will be so far into the future.

    12. Employee Discipline
    Disciplining employees can be one of the greatest management challenges at any organization. Union contracts often codify the discipline process and create a series of rules and steps that are deemed fair by both the union and the employer. A case study performed on the Internal Revenue Service and its staff union, the National Treasury Employees Union, showed that when employers and unions work together on disciplinary procedures, the end process may be seen by employees as more consistent and equitable.

    13. Expertise
    Particularly when dealing with skilled tradesmen, unions provide training programs that are often better than those offered through vocational and technical schools. Rather than learning their trade in college laboratories, union apprentices learn their trades where they matter most---on the shop floor. Considering this, it should come as no surprise that 80 percent of all sheet metal contractors and shop owners began their careers as Sheet Metal Workers International Association apprentices. No price can be put on quality craftsmanship and a jobdone properly the first time.

    14. Contracts
    The union contract benefits both labor and capital. Management has laid out its expectations in clear, plain English in a contract. Now the worker must respect these terms or begin looking for another job. With a contract, the rules of the workplace are not merely suggestions that employers hope employees follow. They are legally enforceable rules that give the employer a strong leg to stand on when terminating problem employees, even in the event of a lawsuit