Brains and Realities by Jay Alfred

from the book

This distinction between past, present, and future is only an
Albert Einstein, Physicist
Conventional neuroscience assumes that there is a real objective world ‘out
there’ and that the brain constructs a world that is representative of this
world. But how do we prove that? Do we use our three- dimensional instruments
to probe and our three-dimensional consciousness to verify?
What exactly is out there?
Contrary to the conventional neuroscientific three-dimensional model,
cutting-edge physics tells us that the world ‘out there’ is multi-dimensional
and not solid but a cacophony of waveforms. The three-dimensional world
constructed by the brain is a reduction and a limited interpretation of what
is really out there. In Eastern religious philosophy and certain Western philosophies,
there is a bold assertion that what is out there is a paradoxical
‘full-void’ — i.e. a nothingness which contains everything. Apparently, this
void has been ‘experienced’ by mystics and advanced meditators — as recorded
quite extensively in religious scriptures and the metaphysical literature.
In this void, space and time are meaningless. The Surangama Sutra of
the Buddhists emphatically point out that location in space is illusionary.
Saint Augustine believed in an ever-present eternity which was not accessible
to humans. Both space and time may be illusions.

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